NO VERSION found for JAI
NO VERSION found for CopyAgent
NO VERSION found for ISOEnts
NO VERSION found for TelegramQML
=> ERROR: ardour-4.2_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: ardour-4.2_1: yes
=> ERROR: ardour-4.2_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: ardour-4.2_1: yes
NO VERSION found for apache-directory-studio
NO VERSION found for adobe-flash-plugin
NO VERSION found for apache-maven-bin
NO VERSION found for aspell-fr
NO VERSION found for aucatctl
NO VERSION found for b2sum
NO VERSION found for batctl14
NO VERSION found for batman-adv14
NO VERSION found for awoken-icons
NO VERSION found for bitlbee-facebook
NO VERSION found for broadcom-wl-dkms
NO VERSION found for brother-brscan3
NO VERSION found for brother-dcp197c-lpr
NO VERSION found for brother-dcp197c-cupswrapper
NO VERSION found for caja-extensions-common
NO VERSION found for btsync
NO VERSION found for cantata
NO VERSION found for bash
NO VERSION found for c-client
NO VERSION found for cavestory
NO VERSION found for cegui07
NO VERSION found for cdm
NO VERSION found for chromium-pepper-flash
NO VERSION found for chromium-widevine
NO VERSION found for chroot-bash
NO VERSION found for checkbashisms
NO VERSION found for chroot-grep
NO VERSION found for chroot-texinfo
NO VERSION found for chroot-gawk
NO VERSION found for chroot-distcc
NO VERSION found for chroot-util-linux
NO VERSION found for cross-aarch64-linux-gnu
NO VERSION found for cross-arm-linux-gnueabi
NO VERSION found for cross-armv7l-linux-gnueabihf
NO VERSION found for cross-mips-linux-musl
NO VERSION found for cross-armv7l-linux-musleabihf
NO VERSION found for cross-arm-linux-musleabi
NO VERSION found for cross-x86_64-linux-musl
NO VERSION found for cross-mipsel-linux-musl
NO VERSION found for csync
NO VERSION found for cross-mipsel-linux-muslhf
NO VERSION found for cross-arm-linux-musleabihf
NO VERSION found for cross-i686-linux-musl
NO VERSION found for cross-aarch64-linux-musl
NO VERSION found for cross-arm-linux-gnueabihf
NO VERSION found for cross-i686-pc-linux-gnu
NO VERSION found for darktable
NO VERSION found for deutex
NO VERSION found for dssi-vst
NO VERSION found for drawterm
NO VERSION found for doom3
NO VERSION found for dzen2
NO VERSION found for ent
NO VERSION found for epson-inkjet-printer-escpr
NO VERSION found for exfat-utils
NO VERSION found for figlet-fonts
=> ERROR: font-fontin-0.0.20151027_1: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
=> ERROR: font-fontin-0.0.20151027_1: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
NO VERSION found for firefox
NO VERSION found for firefox-i18n
NO VERSION found for font-hermit-otf
NO VERSION found for font-inconsolata-otf
NO VERSION found for font-hanazono
NO VERSION found for dropbear
NO VERSION found for font-symbola
NO VERSION found for fortune-mod-de
NO VERSION found for freerdp
NO VERSION found for fuse-exfat
NO VERSION found for galculator-gtk2
NO VERSION found for galculator-gtk3
NO VERSION found for gegl3
NO VERSION found for giblib
NO VERSION found for git-annex
NO VERSION found for gnome-js-common
NO VERSION found for goffice0.8
NO VERSION found for google-fonts-ttf
NO VERSION found for goocanvas1
NO VERSION found for gtk-doc
=> ERROR: gtkaml-0.5.94_3: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: gtkaml-0.5.94_3: yes
=> ERROR: gtkaml-0.5.94_3: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: gtkaml-0.5.94_3: yes
=> ERROR: guitarix-0.33.0_2: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: guitarix-0.33.0_2: yes
=> ERROR: guitarix-0.33.0_2: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: guitarix-0.33.0_2: yes
NO VERSION found for gtkimageview
NO VERSION found for hddtemp
NO VERSION found for hunspell-de_DE
NO VERSION found for hunspell-it_IT
NO VERSION found for hunspell-hr_HR
NO VERSION found for hunspell-es_ES
NO VERSION found for ioquake3-rpi
NO VERSION found for inxi
NO VERSION found for httperf
NO VERSION found for graphviz
NO VERSION found for iscan
NO VERSION found for iscan-plugin-gt-s650
NO VERSION found for iscan-data
NO VERSION found for ipafont-fonts-otf
NO VERSION found for j4-dmenu-desktop
NO VERSION found for hunspell-fr_FR
NO VERSION found for keepassx2
NO VERSION found for ksolid
NO VERSION found for ladspa-sdk
NO VERSION found for hsetroot
NO VERSION found for libdbusmenu-qt5
NO VERSION found for libgudev
NO VERSION found for icecat-i18n
NO VERSION found for libpam-google-authenticator
NO VERSION found for libreoffice-bin
NO VERSION found for libogre
NO VERSION found for libsrtp
NO VERSION found for libtorrent-rasterbar
NO VERSION found for libvterm
NO VERSION found for libreoffice-bin-i18n
=> ERROR: lightspark-0.7.2_5: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: lightspark-0.7.2_5: 1
=> ERROR: lightspark-0.7.2_5: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: lightspark-0.7.2_5: 1
NO VERSION found for libvpx
NO VERSION found for lm_sensors
NO VERSION found for logpp
NO VERSION found for lightzone-bin
NO VERSION found for linux4.3
NO VERSION found for lua52
NO VERSION found for libtar
NO VERSION found for mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer
NO VERSION found for mate-themes
NO VERSION found for libwebsockets
NO VERSION found for man-pages-posix
NO VERSION found for mcwm
NO VERSION found for mopag
NO VERSION found for msp430-toolchain
NO VERSION found for musca
NO VERSION found for nawk
NO VERSION found for ncmpcpp
NO VERSION found for ndhc
NO VERSION found for netbsd-wtf
NO VERSION found for notion
NO VERSION found for noip2
NO VERSION found for ocaml-findlib
NO VERSION found for ois
NO VERSION found for odroid-u2-uboot
NO VERSION found for odroid-u2-kernel
NO VERSION found for oniguruma
NO VERSION found for omxplayer
NO VERSION found for oxygen-gtk+
NO VERSION found for oxygen-gtk+3
NO VERSION found for oracle-jdk-arm
NO VERSION found for owncloudclient
NO VERSION found for opencl2-headers
NO VERSION found for opencl-headers
NO VERSION found for phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer
NO VERSION found for phonon-qt5
NO VERSION found for phonon-qt5-backend-vlc
NO VERSION found for playonlinux
NO VERSION found for polkit-gnome
NO VERSION found for pps-tools
NO VERSION found for pptpclient
NO VERSION found for pwnat
NO VERSION found for powertop
NO VERSION found for python-webkit
NO VERSION found for qmc2-flyers
NO VERSION found for qmc2-snapshots
NO VERSION found for qtchooser
NO VERSION found for python-vobject
NO VERSION found for qca-qt5
NO VERSION found for qt5
NO VERSION found for quazip-qt5
NO VERSION found for radamsa
NO VERSION found for qt
NO VERSION found for re2
NO VERSION found for quake4
NO VERSION found for rest
NO VERSION found for rpi-userland
NO VERSION found for rpi-kernel
NO VERSION found for s-nail
NO VERSION found for sandy
=> ERROR: shared-color-profiles-0.1.6_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: shared-color-profiles-0.1.6_1: yes
=> ERROR: shared-color-profiles-0.1.6_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: shared-color-profiles-0.1.6_1: yes
NO VERSION found for sam
NO VERSION found for scantailor
NO VERSION found for scratch
NO VERSION found for scrot
NO VERSION found for rust
NO VERSION found for skype
NO VERSION found for silly
=> ERROR: steam-fonts-1.0.0_2: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
=> ERROR: steam-fonts-1.0.0_2: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
NO VERSION found for snappy-player
NO VERSION found for snappy
NO VERSION found for smali
NO VERSION found for soulseekqt
=> ERROR: systemtap-2.8_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: systemtap-2.8_1:
=> ERROR: systemtap-2.8_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: systemtap-2.8_1:
=> ERROR: tarsnap-1.0.36_1: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
=> ERROR: tarsnap-1.0.36_1: does not allow redistribution of sources/binaries (restricted license).
NO VERSION found for spectrwm
NO VERSION found for sparsehash
NO VERSION found for sublime-text3
NO VERSION found for sydbox
NO VERSION found for sun7i-kernel
NO VERSION found for tcllib
NO VERSION found for tesseract
NO VERSION found for telepathy-qt5
NO VERSION found for texlive2015-bin
NO VERSION found for texlive2014-bin
NO VERSION found for texlive2013-bin
NO VERSION found for thunderbird
NO VERSION found for tomahawk-qt5
NO VERSION found for tinyxml
NO VERSION found for tracebox
NO VERSION found for tre
NO VERSION found for tint2
NO VERSION found for shorewall
NO VERSION found for thunderbird-i18n
NO VERSION found for v8
NO VERSION found for v8-3.16
NO VERSION found for vc
NO VERSION found for upower0
NO VERSION found for vdrift
NO VERSION found for vim-colorschemes
NO VERSION found for warsow-data
NO VERSION found for warsow
=> ERROR: xf86-video-geode-2.11.16_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: xf86-video-geode-2.11.16_1: does not build with xorg-server-1.17
=> ERROR: xf86-video-geode-2.11.16_1: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: xf86-video-geode-2.11.16_1: does not build with xorg-server-1.17
=> ERROR: xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.1_6: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.1_6: does not build xorg-server-1.17
=> ERROR: xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.1_6: cannot be built, it's currently broken; see the build log:
=> ERROR: xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.1_6: does not build xorg-server-1.17
NO VERSION found for wine-gecko
NO VERSION found for wmfs
NO VERSION found for unicc
NO VERSION found for workrave
NO VERSION found for wiggle
NO VERSION found for words-mnemonic
NO VERSION found for x264
NO VERSION found for wqy-microhei
NO VERSION found for xdg-user-dirs-gtk
NO VERSION found for xonotic-data
NO VERSION found for xonotic-data-low
NO VERSION found for yabasic
NO VERSION found for yeahwm
NO VERSION found for yt-play
NO VERSION found for xvba-video