/* * vim:syntax=c * vim:sw=4 */ #include <Python.h> #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL _scipy_signal_ARRAY_API #define NO_IMPORT_ARRAY #include "numpy/ndarrayobject.h" #include "_sigtools.h" enum { CORR_MODE_VALID=0, CORR_MODE_SAME, CORR_MODE_FULL }; static int _correlate_nd_imp(PyArrayIterObject* x, PyArrayIterObject *y, PyArrayIterObject *z, int typenum, int mode); PyObject * scipy_signal__sigtools_correlateND(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(dummy), PyObject *args) { PyObject *x, *y, *out; PyArrayObject *ax, *ay, *aout; PyArrayIterObject *itx, *ity, *itz; int mode, typenum, st; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOi", &x, &y, &out, &mode)) { return NULL; } typenum = PyArray_ObjectType(x, 0); typenum = PyArray_ObjectType(y, typenum); typenum = PyArray_ObjectType(out, typenum); ax = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromObject(x, typenum, 0, 0); if (ax == NULL) { return NULL; } ay = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromObject(y, typenum, 0, 0); if (ay == NULL) { goto clean_ax; } aout = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromObject(out, typenum, 0, 0); if (aout == NULL) { goto clean_ay; } if (PyArray_NDIM(ax) != PyArray_NDIM(ay)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Arrays must have the same number of dimensions."); goto clean_aout; } if (PyArray_NDIM(ax) == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Cannot convolve zero-dimensional arrays."); goto clean_aout; } itx = (PyArrayIterObject*)PyArray_IterNew((PyObject*)ax); if (itx == NULL) { goto clean_aout; } ity = (PyArrayIterObject*)PyArray_IterNew((PyObject*)ay); if (ity == NULL) { goto clean_itx; } itz = (PyArrayIterObject*)PyArray_IterNew((PyObject*)aout); if (itz == NULL) { goto clean_ity; } st = _correlate_nd_imp(itx, ity, itz, typenum, mode); if (st) { goto clean_itz; } Py_DECREF(itz); Py_DECREF(ity); Py_DECREF(itx); Py_DECREF(ax); Py_DECREF(ay); return PyArray_Return(aout); clean_itz: Py_DECREF(itz); clean_ity: Py_DECREF(ity); clean_itx: Py_DECREF(itx); clean_aout: Py_DECREF(aout); clean_ay: Py_DECREF(ay); clean_ax: Py_DECREF(ax); return NULL; } /* * Implementation of the type-specific correlation 'kernels' */ {{py: INT_TYPES = ['npy_ubyte', 'npy_byte', 'npy_ushort', 'short', 'npy_uint', 'int', 'npy_ulong', 'long', 'npy_ulonglong', 'npy_longlong'] INT_FSUFS = ['ubyte', 'byte', 'ushort', 'short', 'uint', 'int', 'ulong', 'long', 'ulonglong', 'longlong'] REAL_TYPES = ['float', 'double', 'npy_longdouble'] REAL_FSUFS = ['float', 'double', 'longdouble'] ALL_TYPENUMS = ['UBYTE', 'BYTE', 'USHORT', 'SHORT', 'UINT', 'INT', 'ULONG', 'LONG', 'ULONGLONG', 'LONGLONG', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE', 'LONGDOUBLE', 'CFLOAT', 'CDOUBLE', 'CLONGDOUBLE'] CMPLX_FSUFS = ['cfloat', 'cdouble', 'clongdouble'] }} {{for FSUF, TYPE in zip(INT_FSUFS + REAL_FSUFS, INT_TYPES + REAL_TYPES)}} static int _imp_correlate_nd_{{FSUF}}(PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curx, PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curneighx, PyArrayIterObject *ity, PyArrayIterObject *itz) { npy_intp i, j; {{TYPE}} acc; for(i = 0; i < curx->size; ++i) { acc = 0; PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Reset(curneighx); for(j = 0; j < curneighx->size; ++j) { acc += *(({{TYPE}}*)(curneighx->dataptr)) * *(({{TYPE}}*)(ity->dataptr)); PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curneighx); PyArray_ITER_NEXT(ity); } PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curx); *(({{TYPE}}*)(itz->dataptr)) = acc; PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itz); PyArray_ITER_RESET(ity); } return 0; } {{endfor}} /* * Complex-valued kernels */ {{for FSUF, TYPE in zip(REAL_FSUFS, REAL_TYPES)}} static int _imp_correlate_nd_c{{FSUF}}(PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curx, PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curneighx, PyArrayIterObject *ity, PyArrayIterObject *itz) { npy_intp i, j; {{TYPE}} racc, iacc; {{TYPE}} *ptr1, *ptr2; for(i = 0; i < curx->size; ++i) { racc = 0; iacc = 0; PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Reset(curneighx); for(j = 0; j < curneighx->size; ++j) { ptr1 = (({{TYPE}}*)(curneighx->dataptr)); ptr2 = (({{TYPE}}*)(ity->dataptr)); racc += ptr1[0] * ptr2[0] + ptr1[1] * ptr2[1]; iacc += ptr1[1] * ptr2[0] - ptr1[0] * ptr2[1]; PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curneighx); PyArray_ITER_NEXT(ity); } PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curx); (({{TYPE}}*)(itz->dataptr))[0] = racc; (({{TYPE}}*)(itz->dataptr))[1] = iacc; PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itz); PyArray_ITER_RESET(ity); } return 0; } {{endfor}} static int _imp_correlate_nd_object(PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curx, PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curneighx, PyArrayIterObject *ity, PyArrayIterObject *itz) { npy_intp i, j; PyObject *tmp, *tmp2; char *zero; PyArray_CopySwapFunc *copyswap = PyArray_DESCR(curx->ao)->f->copyswap; zero = PyArray_Zero(curx->ao); for(i = 0; i < curx->size; ++i) { PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Reset(curneighx); copyswap(itz->dataptr, zero, 0, NULL); for(j = 0; j < curneighx->size; ++j) { /* * compute tmp2 = acc + x * y. Not all objects supporting the * number protocol support inplace operations, so we do it the most * straightforward way. */ tmp = PyNumber_Multiply(*((PyObject**)curneighx->dataptr), *((PyObject**)ity->dataptr)); tmp2 = PyNumber_Add(*((PyObject**)itz->dataptr), tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); /* Update current output item (acc) */ Py_DECREF(*((PyObject**)itz->dataptr)); *((PyObject**)itz->dataptr) = tmp2; PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curneighx); PyArray_ITER_NEXT(ity); } PyArrayNeighborhoodIter_Next(curx); PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itz); PyArray_ITER_RESET(ity); } PyDataMem_FREE(zero); return 0; } static int _correlate_nd_imp(PyArrayIterObject* itx, PyArrayIterObject *ity, PyArrayIterObject *itz, int typenum, int mode) { PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject *curneighx, *curx; npy_intp i, nz, nx; npy_intp bounds[NPY_MAXDIMS*2]; /* Compute boundaries for the neighborhood iterator curx: curx is used to * traverse x directly, such as each point of the output is the * innerproduct of y with the neighborhood around curx */ switch(mode) { case CORR_MODE_VALID: /* Only walk through the input points such as the corresponding * output will not depend on 0 padding */ for(i = 0; i < PyArray_NDIM(itx->ao); ++i) { bounds[2*i] = PyArray_DIMS(ity->ao)[i] - 1; bounds[2*i+1] = PyArray_DIMS(itx->ao)[i] - 1; } break; case CORR_MODE_SAME: /* Only walk through the input such as the output will be centered relatively to the output as computed in the full mode */ for(i = 0; i < PyArray_NDIM(itx->ao); ++i) { nz = PyArray_DIMS(itx->ao)[i]; /* Recover 'original' nx, before it was zero-padded */ nx = nz - PyArray_DIMS(ity->ao)[i] + 1; if ((nz - nx) % 2 == 0) { bounds[2*i] = (nz - nx) / 2; } else { bounds[2*i] = (nz - nx - 1) / 2; } bounds[2*i+1] = bounds[2*i] + nx - 1; } break; case CORR_MODE_FULL: for(i = 0; i < PyArray_NDIM(itx->ao); ++i) { bounds[2*i] = 0; bounds[2*i+1] = PyArray_DIMS(itx->ao)[i] - 1; } break; default: PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return -1; } curx = (PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject*)PyArray_NeighborhoodIterNew(itx, bounds, NPY_NEIGHBORHOOD_ITER_ZERO_PADDING, NULL); if (curx == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "Could not create curx ?"); return -1; } /* Compute boundaries for the neighborhood iterator: the neighborhood for x should have the same dimensions as y */ for(i = 0; i < PyArray_NDIM(ity->ao); ++i) { bounds[2*i] = -PyArray_DIMS(ity->ao)[i] + 1; bounds[2*i+1] = 0; } curneighx = (PyArrayNeighborhoodIterObject*)PyArray_NeighborhoodIterNew( (PyArrayIterObject*)curx, bounds, NPY_NEIGHBORHOOD_ITER_ZERO_PADDING, NULL); if (curneighx == NULL) { goto clean_curx; } switch(typenum) { {{for TYPENUM, FSUF in zip(ALL_TYPENUMS, INT_FSUFS+REAL_FSUFS+CMPLX_FSUFS)}} case NPY_{{TYPENUM}}: _imp_correlate_nd_{{FSUF}}(curx, curneighx, ity, itz); break; {{endfor}} /* The object array case does not worth being optimized, since most of the cost is numerical operations, not iterators moving in this case ? */ case NPY_OBJECT: _imp_correlate_nd_object(curx, curneighx, ity, itz); break; default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Unsupported type"); goto clean_curneighx; } Py_DECREF((PyArrayIterObject*)curx); Py_DECREF((PyArrayIterObject*)curneighx); return 0; clean_curneighx: Py_DECREF((PyArrayIterObject*)curneighx); clean_curx: Py_DECREF((PyArrayIterObject*)curx); return -1; }