Pythran implementation of columns grouping for finite difference Jacobian
estimation. Used by ._numdiff.group_columns and based on the Cython version.

import numpy as np

#pythran export group_dense(int, int, intc[:,:])
#pythran export group_dense(int, int, int[:,:])
def group_dense(m, n, A):
    B = A.T  # Transposed view for convenience.

    # FIXME: use np.full once pythran supports it
    groups = -np.ones(n, dtype=np.intp)
    current_group = 0

    union = np.empty(m, dtype=np.intp)

    # Loop through all the columns.
    for i in range(n):
        if groups[i] >= 0:  # A group was already assigned.

        groups[i] = current_group
        all_grouped = True

        union[:] = B[i]  # Here we store the union of grouped columns.

        for j in range(groups.shape[0]):
            if groups[j] < 0:
                all_grouped = False

            # Determine if j-th column intersects with the union.
            intersect = False
            for k in range(m):
                if union[k] > 0 and B[j, k] > 0:
                    intersect = True

            # If not, add it to the union and assign the group to it.
            if not intersect:
                union += B[j]
                groups[j] = current_group

        if all_grouped:

        current_group += 1

    return groups

#pythran export group_sparse(int, int, intc[], intc[])
#pythran export group_sparse(int, int, int[], int[])
#pythran export group_sparse(int, int, intc[::], intc[::])
#pythran export group_sparse(int, int, int[::], int[::])
def group_sparse(m, n, indices, indptr):
    groups = -np.ones(n, dtype=np.intp)
    current_group = 0

    union = np.empty(m, dtype=np.intp)

    for i in range(n):
        if groups[i] >= 0:

        groups[i] = current_group
        all_grouped = True

        for k in range(indptr[i], indptr[i + 1]):
            union[indices[k]] = 1

        for j in range(groups.shape[0]):
            if groups[j] < 0:
                all_grouped = False

            intersect = False
            for k in range(indptr[j], indptr[j + 1]):
                if union[indices[k]] == 1:
                    intersect = True
            if not intersect:
                for k in range(indptr[j], indptr[j + 1]):
                    union[indices[k]] = 1
                groups[j] = current_group

        if all_grouped:

        current_group += 1

    return groups