Scandinavian Indie Digest       Thu, 3 Sep 1998        Volume 98 : Issue 61

Today's Topics:
	 BQ interview
	 need help understanding this 
	 Re: need help understanding this
	 Re: need help understanding this
	 Help with Twee Bands
	 [LIST] Music on the TV [28-Aug-98]
	 [LIST] Music on the Radio [31-Aug-98]
	 [TOUR] United Stage Tour List Update [30-Aug-98]
	 Re: xxxx
	 Re: xxxx
	 Re: xxxx
	 Merzbow hits Scandinavia again
	 presents "The Flight of Everson K"
	 [TOUR] Motor Tour List Update [02-Sep-98]
	 [LIST] Music on the Radio [07-Sep-98]

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  * send e-mail to:
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Digest back issues can be found in the [SID] section at the
Scan-Indie website: 

() Please take care not to include the entire digest in your
() reply, only the message(s) you are replying to.


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 13:38:46 +0200
From: "Micke Rehnstrom" <>
Subject: BQ interview

Right now, there is an interview with Mattias Alkberg from THE BEAR QUARTET
 on DNet. If you go to
you will find a link to it at the bottom of the page. I guess it will be
removed from there no later than tomorrow. The interview, which
concentrates more on Alkberg's views on writing (both poetry and pop
lyrics) than on the latest album, is in Swedish. Unfortunately I don't have
enough time to translate it into English, but perhaps someone else might be
able to help those who don't understand Swedish.



Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 11:23:50 -0400
Subject: need help understanding this 

	Is there any site which can translate Swedish to English?

	Can anyone tell me what this says?  Thanks.

                                THE GRINNERS


                            Caravan Records/HoK
Det spelas bast rock'n'roll om man bor norr om den 20:e breddgraden, sa ar
det bara. Det ar svart att vara frustrerad och arg om man bor i Skane, dar
ar det varmt och gott om tjejer. Grinners lirar rock som om det gallde livet
och har ett hogre tempo an norrlandspilen. Pa fullangdsdebuten visar man upp
ett sound som ar skitigare an Ruhr-omradet och det ar jag glad for. Grinners
liknar mer oldschool garagerock an nagot annat band jag hort. Konstaterar
lugnt att snubbar som Dregen borde borja knyppla istallet.

                                                               Per Lundberg


Date: 28 Aug 1998 08:17:48 +0200
From: Robert Cumming <>
Subject: Re: need help understanding this

In article <980827112350.20258e6b@PSFC.MIT.EDU>,
> 	Can anyone tell me what this says?  Thanks.
>                                 THE GRINNERS
>                                "Psychoville"
>                             Caravan Records/HoK Det spelas bèst
> rock½n½roll om man bor norr om den 20:e breddgraden, sî èr det
> bara. Det èr svîrt att vara frustrerad och arg om man bor i
> Skîne, dèr èr det varmt och gott om tjejer. Grinners lirar
> rock som om det gèllde livet och har ett hÜgre tempo èn
> norrlandspilen. Pî fullèngdsdebuten visar man upp ett sound som
> èr skitigare èn Ruhr-omrîdet och det èr jag glad
> fÜr. Grinners liknar mer oldschool garagerock èn nîgot annat
> band jag hÜrt. Konstaterar lugnt att snubbar som Dregen borde
> bÜrja knyppla istèllet.

"Rock'n'roll is played best if you live north of the 20th parallel,
that's just the way it is.  It's hard to be frustrated and angry if
you live in Sk}ne [south Sweden, round Malm|], where it's warm and
there are plenty of girls.  The Grinners play rock like their life
depended on it and have a higher tempo than the fast train to Norrland
[the very north of Sweden].  On their debut full-lengther they present
a sound dirtier than the Ruhr valley, and I'm quite happy about that.
The Grinners are more like old-school garage rock than any other band
I've heard.  Seems obvious to me that blokes like Dregen [Backyard
Babies, Hellacopters] might as well start doing embroidery instead."

Robert 'translation is a drug' Cumming


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 22:52:30 +0200
Subject: Re: need help understanding this

This is another review of the same record:
Grinners - Psychoville (LP/CD)(Incognito Records/Caravan Records)

Hard hitting killer-punk from Sweden!! in a



Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 19:20:34 EDT
Subject: Help with Twee Bands

Hello all!

I would like to know of all the TWEE bands that you know of. I have some
requirements though. They should not be american and the main singer has to be
a girl (a few songs by a guy will not annoy me). Just like Club 8!
I have not heard Super, are they like Club 8 or the Cardigans? Ok they do not
have to be twee but they should sound happy poppy technoish and the female
vocals (Komeda, LeMans, The Cat's Miaow, St Etienne) and no american bands and
if they sing in their own language even better.

thanks thanks



Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 17:42:41 +0200
From: Erik Soderstrom <>
Subject: [LIST] Music on the TV [28-Aug-98]

 Scandinavian Indie         MUSIC ON THE TV           Scandinavian Indie
                      August 28 -> September 3, 1998
                by Erik Soderstrom <>

 Day Date   Artist/What            TV Program          Channel     Time
 --- -----  ---------------------- ------------------- ----------- -----
 Fri 28/8   Music magazine         The Pepsi Chart     Kanal 5     18.30
            Weeping Willows        Lange Leve Musiken  SVT 2       20.00
            Fireside, etc.         Monsters of Boat    ZTV         21.00 R
 Sat 29/8   Music magazine         The Pepsi Chart     Kanal 5     10.30 R
            MTV Live               MTV Live            MTV Nordic  22.00 R
            Prodigy                Live from Red Sq.   MTV Nordic  00.00
 Sun 30/8   Jumper                 Artist special      ZTV         19.30 R
            MTV Live               MTV Live            MTV Nordic  22.00
 Mon 31/8   Video Requests         Voxmix              SVT 1       19.25
            Video Top List         Voxtopp             SVT 1       19.45
 Tue  1/9   George Michael         Unplugged           TV 4        09.35 R
            Weeping Willows        Lange Leve Musiken  SVT 1       17.00 R
            The Role of Rock       The Role of Rock    FTV         22.15
            Alternative Nation     Alternative Nation  MTV Nordic  00.00
 Wed  2/9   Kent                   Star Trax           MTV Nordic  18.00
            Video Top List Results Voxpop              SVT 1       19.00
            Video Top List         Toppen              ZTV         20.45
            Beastie Boys
           +Butch Vig              Musikbyran          SVT 1       22.30
 Thu  3/9   Finnish Top List       Lista               FTV         17.40
            Alternative Nation     Alternative Nation  MTV Nordic  00.00

 R = Rerun
     This list is also available on the Scandinavian Indie website
       at:  [Upcoming]


Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 17:43:15 +0200
From: Erik Soderstrom <>
Subject: [LIST] Music on the Radio [31-Aug-98]

 Scandinavian Indie           MUSIC ON THE RADIO            Scandinavian Indie
                        August 31 -> September 6, 1998
                   by Erik Soderstrom <>

 Day Date   Artist                            Recorded
 --- -----  --------------------------------- --------------------------------
 Mon 31/8   Embrace (maybe)                   Malmo, KB *Live*
 Tue  1/9   Simbi (R)                         Lulea, Fiskekyrkan 27-Feb-98
 Wed  2/9   Ian Pooley                        Hultsfred, Festival 11-Jun-98
 Thu  3/9   Sideshow Bob                      Emmaboda, Festival 07-Aug-98


 Day Date   Artist                            Recorded
 --- -----  --------------------------------- --------------------------------
 Sun  6/9   Dipsomaniacs + Fru Pedersen       2 x Edgar, Trondheim 98 N, 
           +The Egg                          +Oxford 97 B

 This list covers the Swedish National Channel P3's "Live" - at 21.03-22.00
 or 17.03-18.00 where marked with a '*' _PLUS_ The Norwegian National Channel
 Petre's "Roxrevyen" - at 21.03-00.00 every sunday. (R) = Rerun
   These lists (WITH LINKS) are also available on the Scandinavian Indie site
         at:  [Upcoming]


Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 17:44:55 +0200
From: Erik Soderstrom <>
Subject: [TOUR] United Stage Tour List Update [30-Aug-98]

 Scandinavian Indie      United Stage Tour List UPDATE     Scandinavian Indie
                               August 30th, 1998
                  by Erik Soderstrom <>
                All dates without country codes are in Sweden

Basic Element (S)
11 sep UDDEVALLA carlia                          New Date
19 sep LIDKOPING stadshotellet                   Venue Decided
26 sep ESTONIA tallin (EE)                       New Date
 8 oct SILJA LINE boat                           New Date

Dr Bombay (S)                                     *NEW*
 4 sep KARLSKOGA rest viktoria
 5 sep AKERSBERGA rest k2
25 sep KARLSTAD rest jager
26 sep ARVIDSJAUR medborgarhuset
27 sep SILJA LINE boat
 2 oct OVERLIDA kullaberg
 3 oct OVERLIDA nightlife
 3 oct HARADSBACK balders hage
 9 oct ESTONIA tallin (EE)
10 oct ESTONIA tallin (EE)

Dromhus (S)
10 sep SILJA LINE boat                           New Date
26 sep GAVLE flanor dollhouse                    New Date
 1 oct SILJA LINE boat                           New Date

Markoolio (S)
 4 sep GALLIVARE rest kil                        New Date
18 sep ANNELUND morlanda marknad                 New Date
19 sep GAVLE flanor dollhouse                    New Date
25 sep TABY rest tegelbruket                     New Date
17 oct HALLSTAHAMMAR rest ever green             New Date
18 oct SILJA LINE boat                           Moved from 25 oct

    The complete United Stage Tour List is posted once / month to the list.
        More tour dates:


Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:20:05 +0300 (EET DST)
From: "timo riitamaa." <>
Subject: xxxx

Hey, if anybody wants to join a yet unnamed small-scale mailing-list (suomen
viallinen lista?) discussing the really marginal side of music in finnish
(sorry...) email me. 



Date: 31 Aug 1998 08:13:22 +0200
From: Robert Cumming <>
Subject: Re: xxxx

In article <>,
"timo riitamaa." <> wrote:
> Hey, if anybody wants to join a yet unnamed small-scale mailing-list (suomen
> viallinen lista?) discussing the really marginal side of music in finnish
> (sorry...) email me. 

Marginal as in 'no one but Kimmo S{{skilahti will listen to this' or
as in 'no one but M}rten Sahlen's crack-addicted death metal freak
cousin from Kajaani will listen to this'?



Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:07:30 +0200
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Re: xxxx

Robert Cumming <> wrote:
> Marginal as in 'no one but Kimmo S{{skilahti will listen to this' or
> as in 'no one but M}rten Sahlen's crack-addicted death metal freak
> cousin from Kajaani will listen to this'?

Say what?? Last I heard I didn't have any cousins in Finland, and
certainly none that are crack junkies or death metallers... In my
family we're all nice and clean milk-sipping industrialists.

To quote Roky Ericsson: "Don't slander me"  ;-)


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:40:22 +0300 (EET DST)
From: "timo riitamaa." <>
Subject: Re: xxxx

Robert wrote in reply to me:
>> Hey, if anybody wants to join a yet unnamed small-scale mailing-list (suomen
>> viallinen lista?) discussing the really marginal side of music in finnish
>> (sorry...) email me. 
>Marginal as in 'no one but Kimmo S{{skilahti will listen to this' or
>as in 'no one but M}rten Sahlen's crack-addicted death metal freak
>cousin from Kajaani will listen to this'?

I'm not really sure what Kimmo listens to, but i doubt any Cardigans fans
will have any fun out of it... what we were thinking of was something along
an approach to music such as free, drone, noise, GBV-esque pop, NZ, old
classics like Beefheart, Memphis Goons, Sun Ra, the whole kraut-scene,
Waits, Bad Vugum, Trash Can, Sahko, Metamorphos, flaming people who think
Goo is Sonic Youth's best album... the entire staff of the Hindupyorailija
'zine is one the list, so that might give you an idea.

And ofcourse i'm the guy who's got the AC/DC and FUNK perversions... funky
shit mama!

In conclusion, i don't think Sahlen's crack-addicted death metal freak
cousin would feel himself at home, altough i have heard qlues that a certain
member of the melancholic noisepop band Sissy Spacek has played in Turbodet.
don't tell him i told you.


ps. somebody damnit send me a pre-release promo of the new PJ Harvey.
pps. where do i go to find muzik by the Kronos Quartet? 
ppps. buy the new Hindupyorailija.
pppps. since we're discussing scandinavian music here, it wouldn't be too
bad to be able to use umlauts.  


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:28:32 +0200
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Merzbow hits Scandinavia again

Hey now,

Beware, the king of noise, Masami Akita a.k.a. Merzbow, is on his way
to Scandinavia once again. The great response after last year's thunderous 
show in Stockholm apparently made him want to come back for more.

On September 12th he's playing at the Fylkingen club in Stockholm. Supporting 
are local noise/improv veterans Mats Lindstrom and Soren Runolf. See for more info. Merzbow will also be doing a minor 
tour through Norway before this, with shows in Trondheim, Oslo, and Bergen, 
but I have no further info on this. B.Y.O.E. (Bring your own earplugs).


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:01:43 -0700
From: Radio Khartoum <>
Subject: presents "The Flight of Everson K"

Radio Khartoum is pleased to invite you to the premiere of our 18 Frames
Per Second series. "The Flight of Everson K" was originally conceived of as
a thriller soundtrack. Swedish holidays turning to havoc on the bullet
train from the Riviera to Odessa, via Tokyo. But in the end, this record
has more to do with childhood Saturday afternoon outings to the cinema.
Stumbling in on the middle of a movie, trying to guess what gone
before...and staying till the film repeats.

Sweden's elusive Chocolate Barry launches the affair from the fancifully
stormy shores of Malmo with "Passion," a Technicolor surf reincarnation of
the Iberian track from the long lost Grimsby Fishmarket flexi.

Next up is a spy theme with an orchestral sweep for the year 2010, courtesy
of Estonian dreampop purveyors, Bizarre. "Barcode Warrior Twelve" races
across end of the millennium borders in a desperate attempt to stop the

Without missing a beat, Cyrille Essiar drops us into a frenetic piano
groove. Where Bizarre race against time, "Tempo," a Gainsbourgian caf‰
piece gone berserk, races with it. In gritty black and white with French

>From here, Parisian gentleman and Watoo Watoo's favorite guitar for hire,
Didier Duclos, aka Christine gives us a score for "Barry's Life," a charmed
take on the thriller theme, in sunburst Super 8.

Probably part of what you missed at the beginning of the film, Sweden's
Seashells filter 60's tube TV spy stylings through a quirky guitar waltz
which may remind some of Broadcast, and find that it's "A Nice Day to Kill."

Instant Life supply an epilogue, as they search by twilight for "Ms. Raki."
A blast of pure noir -- from the vantage point of Stockholm watching France
watch America....

"The Flight of Everson K" is released on 31 August 1998. This 3" CD can be
obtained from the best mailorder sources, as well as directly from Radio
Khartoum for U.S. $7, postpaid to any destination in the world. Checks or
money orders should be in U.S. funds and payable to Alexander Bailey. Radio
Khartoum also accepts crispy paper money from France, U.K., Sweden,
Finland, Canada, Holland (only because Dutch money looks brilliant!),
Germany, and Japan, (and possibly other countries), but please add about
10% for bank costs, and be discreet as Radio Khartoum cannot be responsible
for cash lost in the mail.

        Radio Khartoum
        722 Alcatraz Ave.
        No. 106
        Oakland CA 94609

Also available:
Cessna: "Bordeaux" - 2 x 3" CD - US $11 ppd.

Gypsophile: "Songs of a Thousand Nights" - 3" CD (14 September)

18fps: "Transmarine" (featuring Le Mans, Club Foot Orchestra, Louis
Philippe, Christine, and Quigley) - 3" CD (28 September)

Watoo Watoo: "Picture of a Lost Friend" - 3" CD (Autumn)

Essiar: "Summer in Minsk" - 3" CD (Autumn)

Radio Khartoum is still accepting contributions for the 18fps series.
Interested parties should contact RK for further details.


Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:43:49 +0200
From: Erik Soderstrom <>
Subject: [TOUR] Motor Tour List Update [02-Sep-98]

 Scandinavian Indie        Motor Tour List UPDATE          Scandinavian Indie
                             September 2nd, 1998
                  by Erik Soderstrom <>
                All dates without country code are in Sweden

Backyard Babies (S)                              MVG                    *NEW*
 7/10 Copenhagen - Stengade 30 (DK)

Eagle Eye Cherry (S)                             Diesel                 *NEW*
30/11 Copenhagen - Pumpehuset (DK)

Gaffa Galla (DK)                                                        *NEW*
 5/9  Copenhagen - Vega (DK)

LOK (S)                                          SLG
26/9  Kungsbacka - Kingston                      New Date

Papa Dee (S)                                     WEA                    *NEW*
 2/10 Copenhagen - Loppen (DK)

The Pusjkins (S)                                 L-Style                *NEW*
12/9  Linkoping - Nationsakademin

Sobsister (S)                                    Absurd Records         *NEW*
13/11 Ystad - Chorus

Speed of Sound Enterprise (S)                    -
 3/9  Linkoping - Herrgar'n                      CANCELLED!

This Perfect Day (S)                             MNW Soap               *NEW*
26/9  Gavle - Tre & Company

Whale (S)                                        Hut/Virgin
12/9  Eskilstuna - TBA                           New Date


Astrid (UK)                                      Nude/Sony              *NEW*
 6/10 Copenhagen - Rust (DK)

Baby Bird (UK)                                   Universal              *NEW*
12/10 Copenhagen - Vega, lille sal (DK)

Belle & Sebastian (UK)                           Virgin
26/9  Stockholm - Klubben                        New Venue

Bran Van 3000 (CA)                               EMI                    *NEW*
 + Delakota* (UK)                                Polygram
 6/11 Copenhagen - Loppen* (DK)
 7/11 Oslo - John Dee (N)
 8/11 Stockholm - Studion

Cobolt 60                                                               *NEW*
21/10 Copenhagen - Loppen (DK)

Cruel Sea (AU)                                   Polygram               *NEW*
28/10 Copenhagen - Loppen (DK)

Wayne Kramer (US)                                Epitaph                *NEW*
18/11 Odense - Rytmeposten (DK)
19/11 Copenhagen - Rust (DK)

Lighthouse Family (UK)                           Polygram
 + Karen Ramirez                                 Mercury - New Support
22/10 Copenhagen - Vega (DK)

Lo Fidelity Allstars (UK)                        Sony
 = Skint Rec feat. Indian Ropeman & DJ Danielsan
17/9  Copenhagen - Vega, lille sal (DK)
18/9  Oslo - So What (N)
19/9  Lund - Mejeriet

Massive Attack (UK)                              Virgin
28/10 Helsinki - Ice Hall (SF)                   New Date

Puressence (UK)                                  Polygram               *NEW*
26/9  Copenhagen - Loppen (DK)

Reverend Horton Heat (US)                        Universal              *NEW*
22/10 Copenhagen - Loppen (DK)

      The complete Motor Tour List is posted once / month to the list.
        More tour dates:


Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 01:31:34 +0200
From: Erik Soderstrom <>
Subject: [LIST] Music on the Radio [07-Sep-98]

 Scandinavian Indie           MUSIC ON THE RADIO            Scandinavian Indie
                           September 7 -> 13, 1998
                   by Erik Soderstrom <>

 Day Date   Artist                      Recorded
 --- -----  --------------------------- --------------------------------------
 Mon  7/9   Popsie                      Stockholm Water Festival 12-Aug-98
           +Spice Girls (R)             UK, Birmingham 02-May-98
 Tue  8/9   Spiro Projecto              Stockholm, Munchenbryggeriet 30-May-98
 Wed  9/9   Massive Attack (R)          Stockholm, Heaven 18-May-98
 Thu 10/9   Olivia Tremor Control       Emmaboda, Festival 07-Aug-98


 Day Date   Artist                            Recorded
 --- -----  --------------------------------- --------------------------------
 Sun 13/9   Ultrasound + Silversun + Oddpop   2 x Oxford 97 B,
                                             +Edgar, Trondheim 98 N

 This list covers the Swedish National Channel P3's "Live" - at 21.03-22.00
 or 17.03-18.00 where marked with a '*' _PLUS_ The Norwegian National Channel
 Petre's "Roxrevyen" - at 21.03-00.00 every sunday. (R) = Rerun
   These lists (WITH LINKS) are also available on the Scandinavian Indie site
         at:  [Upcoming]


End of Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.98 #61