From: af280@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Sandra P. Hoffman)
Subject: Re: New Age Journal: Blood Sisters
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 1994 22:34:09 GMT

> writes:
> Also, I've read that most companies bleach the tampon (and pad)
> material, which started making me (mentally) sick.  I only use
> unbleached, un-chem.  treated pads now.  Eventually I'd like to go
> back to the traditional "rag" (at least as much as possible).

Elspeth Sapphire, ( says:
>Several books have patterns for pads.  The only one I can locate in
>my mess is Hygieia: A Woman's Herbal by Jeannine Parvati.

Cut up an old flannel nighty, or some old flannel diapers, or some
worn out cotton towels, or if you really have to, go to the fabric
store and buy some flannel. Cut it big enough to be able to fold it
thick enough to be able to soak up a reasonable amount of your
flow. Take two safety pins and pin the folded up fabric to your

This is what my mother told me when, having just paid sixty dollars I
couldn't afford for handy dandy cloth pads, I asked her what they did
in her day.