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		 NetBSD Security Advisory 2022-003

Topic:		Race condition in mail.local(8)

Version:	NetBSD-current:		affected prior to 2022-05-17
		NetBSD 10:		not affected
		NetBSD 9.*:		affected
		NetBSD 8.*:		affected

Severity:	Local user may be able to own any file or append arbitrary

Fixed:		NetBSD-current:		May 17, 2022
		NetBSD-9 branch:	May 17, 2022
		NetBSD-8 branch:	May 17, 2022

Please note that NetBSD releases prior to 8.2 are no longer supported.
It is recommended that all users upgrade to a supported release.


A race condition exists in the mail.local(8) (/usr/libexec/mail.local)
program which is setuid root. That may be exploited in order to change
the ownership of or append arbitrary data to an arbitrary file.

A malicious local user may exploit the race condition to acquire write
permissions to a critical system file, and leverage the situation to
acquire escalated privileges.

This was originally addressed in NetBSD-SA2016-006 and has been
assigned CVE-2016-6253. The fix proved inefficient and had to
be fixed again, which is the reason for this new advisory.

Technical Details

The user mailbox (typically /var/mail/$USER) which is used to deliver a
message, is checked using lstat(2) to verify that the file is not a symlink.
Then if the file is not a symlink, it's opened. If the file does not
exist, it is created with another open(2) call. There is a tiny window
between the two open calls in which the attacker could symlink it
to a arbitrary file, and the mail.local program then would chown
the file the symlink points to.

Solutions and Workarounds

Potential workaround is to remove /usr/libexec/mail.local, if you use
postfix(1) as the only way of delivering mails. mail.local(8) program was used
by sendmail(8) which is no longer shipped with the NetBSD (currently
postfix(1) is used as a default MTA). mail.local(8) dependency should be
checked manually in case of other MTAs).

To apply a fixed version from a releng build, fetch a fitting
base.{tgz,tar.xz} from nycdn.NetBSD.org and extract the fixed binaries:

cd /var/tmp
ftp https://nycdn.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/REL/BUILD/ARCH/binary/sets/base.tgz
cd /
tar xzpf /var/tmp/base.tgz libexec/mail.local

with the following replacements:
REL   = the release version you are using
BUILD = the source date of the build. %DATE%* and later will fit
ARCH  = your system's architecture

The following instructions describe how to upgrade your mail.local(8)
binaries by updating your source tree and rebuilding and
installing a new version of mail.local(8).

* NetBSD-current:

        Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2022-05-18
        should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2022-05-18 or later.

        The following files/directories need to be updated from the
        netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

        To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install mail.local(8):
                # cd src
                # cvs update -d -P libexec/mail.local
                # cd libexec/mail.local
                # make USETOOLS=no cleandir dependall
                # make USETOOLS=no install

* NetBSD 8.* or 9.*:

        Systems running NetBSD 8.* or 9.*  sources dated from before
        2022-05-18 should be upgraded from NetBSD 8.* or 9.* sources dated
        2022-05-18 or later.

        The following files/directories need to be updated from the
        netbsd-8 or netbsd-9 branches:

        To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install mail.local(8):

                # cd src
                # cvs update -r <branch_name> -d -P libexec/mail.local
                # cd libexec/mail.local
                # make USETOOLS=no cleandir dependall
                # make USETOOLS=no install

Thanks To

Jan Schaumann for pointing out the ineffectiveness of the original 2016-07-19

Revision History

	2022-10-04	Initial release
	2022-10-08	Mention all branches affected

More Information

Advisories may be updated as new information becomes available.
The most recent version of this advisory (PGP signed) can be found at


Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at


Copyright 2022, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution permitted only in full, unmodified form.

$NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2022-003.txt,v 1.2 2022/10/08 13:28:21 christos Exp $

